What is Shear Force and bending Moment


                                                      Shear Force and bending Moment

Shear force: Resistance to keep beam in equilibrium against external transverse loads. Shear force at any section is equal to the sum of transverse loads either to the right-hand side or left-hand sight of the section.

Bending moment:  Bending moment at any section is equal to sum of moments either to the right-hand side or left-hand side of the section.

Shear force diagram (SFD): A graphical representation of vertical (or) transverse forces along the length of a beam.

Sign convention for shear force and bending moment at a section:


Relation Between Intensity of Loading, Shear Force and Bending Moment:

·         Between W = intensity of load;

                                V = shear force;

                                M = bending moment

                           W = dv/dx = d2M/dx2

·         Slope of shear force diagram is intensity of load.

·         Rate of change of shear force is intensity of load

                          V = dam/dx

·         Slope of bending moment diagram is shear force.

·         Rate of change of bending moment is shear force.

·         Maximum magnitude of bending moment occurs at a point where shear force changes its sign.

S. No

Type of loading

Variation of S.F.

Variation of B.M




Point load

Rectangle/ Uniform/ Horizontal Straight line

Rectangular/ inclined straight line/ linear





Rectangular/ inclined straight line/ linear


    Square        Parabola



     uvl or


Square parabola

Cubic parabola



Cubic parabola

Fourth degree parabola



Bending Couple

No shear variation

A vertical step at the point of application

 Cantilever beam subjected to point load

Cantilever beam subjected to UDL 

Cantilever beam subjected to UVL of maximum intensity at fixed end and zero at free end

Simply supported beam subjected to point load


Simply supported beam subjected to UDL

Simply subjected beam subjected to UVL


Cantilever beam subjected to UVL of zero intensity at fixed end and maximum intensity at free end


Cantilever beam subjected to end moment


Cantilever beam subjected to two moments


 Simply supported beam subjected to moment at one end


Simply supported beam subjected to moment in its span

Simply supported beam subjected to moments at both the ends







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