
Showing posts from January, 2023

what is the salary of civil engineer in india per month

  what is the salary of civil engineer in india per month Average salary : for fresher 10k to 18k per month  and above 10 years experience holder 70k after tanning A civil engineering in india average monthly income 45k. Career  Construction  Government sector  privet sector Project  management Consultancy (PMC) Design and consultancy Design Auto cad Teaching (Education) Government sector : Gov. job in a construction sector top most job. Average salary 60k. to 80k per month . working time 10:00AM to 5:00 AM .but in PSU company salary 1 lac per month on GATE through  Privat sector : salary and package its depend on experience. construction sector is raff and tuff sector .working time is 8:00AM to 8:00PM. No Gov. holiday match in this sector and no weekend holiday . construction sector is 1.63 % of total GDP.  Experience          Salary             Designation                 1-2 yrs                          10k-18k                 GET/DET 2-5yrs                      18k-40k          

Internal plaster check list

 Internal plaster check list                               After 7 Days curing start plastering work, check list maintain by civil engineer and supervisor, its mandatory for every internal plastering. 1.        Electrical conduit and GI box fixing as per drowning or No objection certificate form electrical engineer. 2.        Chicken mesh fixing column & brick wall joint by nails or cement pest. chicken mesh fixing when both are flat 150mm wide chicken wire mesh cutting form roll of dived both equal side. 3.          Brick work full saturation and observed full water observation. 4.        Thickness gauge fixing in brick wall plaster thickness 10mm to 12.5mm for vertical wall. 5.        Column & slab all Rcc structure hacking properly for good bonding. 6.        Proper cleaning of any wooden and any trial & any plastic are fixing in wall & slab. 7.        Scaffolding or staging required for heigh level plastering. 8.        Cement salary  After wat

Plastering in construction

                                                                               Plastering in construction  Plastering: Give a smooth surface water proofing heat proofing, low cast smooth surface of interior wall and exterior wall, plastering is a most common item in construction  i)     Internal plastering: Thickness of plastering 10mm to 15mm and mixed ratio 1:6 ii)   External plastering: External plastering thickness is two coted. First coated is 12mm thickness. It is rough finishing, & Mixed ratio is 1:6. Second coted is 6mm thickness. It is smooth finishing, & Mixed ratio is 1:3. iii)       Celling plaster: Celling plaster thickness 6mm, & mixed ratio is 1:4. iv)     Sand: Zone – iv sand better for plastering for smooth finishing applicable river sand and stone dust also applicable if river sand is costly and or not available v)     Instrument: Twel, patta aluminium, plum bob, belcha, gamela, scaffolding. vi)   Cement Recommendation: PPC cemen

what is the standard thickness of wall putty

    Product description: Wall putty is cement based power fortified with polymer and additives it is deal for used exterior and interior wall & celling to give a smooth undulation free surface 2.        Description for use: i)                     Surface preparation: Remove all loose laky chalky butane forma the wall by wire brushing or used sand emery paper. Clean the surface with water allow use surface to dry. a)       Dilution: Add 40 – 45 % water by volume to the putty mix thoroughly using mechanical stirrer. To make a homogenous paste. Allow the mixture to sand at least 10 minute prior to application. 3.        Application procedure: Pre wet the wall surface before application or of 1 st coat. Apply the first coat with a putty knife / trowel by drawing bottom to top. ·          Apply the second coat after an internal of 1 st day. Final thick should be around 1.5 – 2.0 mm in 2 coats. ·          Smooth the surface with fine energy paper 180 – 220 no and R

General specification in constriction

                                          General Specifications of civil works General specification of building works is earth work and excavation lintel chajja masonry works and putty paint and finishing works, all technical specification given bellow. 1.        Earth work in Excavation: Quantity is measured in cubie meters comics (m 3 ) = L X B X D Length L - Plan, B, D – Sectional details. 2.        Lime Concrete / Cement Concrete in foundation: Quantity is measured in cubic meter cum (m 3 ) = L X B X D (length) L – Plan, B – width of trench, h – section (height) 3.        Brick/Stone Masonry work in Foundation & plinth: Quantity is measured in cubic meter but the quantities are taken separately at different stages of foundation a finally all the quantities are summed up (added up) to arrive at final quantities. Ø   This is taken up separately because the quality / quantity of construction in foundation is different from quantity of masonry work else any wh

Physical, chemical and biological characteristics of water

    Quality Of  Water         Characteristics Of Water:               I)    Physical Characteristics: ·           Turbidity: ·          It is caused by suspended materials such as clay, silt or some other finally divided organic and inorganic matter. Turbidity is also due to presence of bacteria, algae, protozoa, fungi. Expressed in ppm (or mg/l) ·          Standard until is that which is produced by 1 mg of finely divided silica (Fullers earth) in 1litre of distilled water. ·          Measured on “Silica Scale” ·          Permissible limit for potable water: 5 to 10 ppm ·          Measured by: Turbidity meters a)       Jackson Turbid meter: Used to measure high turbidity (> 25 ppm) ----(JTU) b)        Baylis Turbid meter: Precisely record even low turbidity values (of the order of 0 to 2 ppm) --- BTU c)        Nephelometer: Commonly used for turbidity of range of 0 to 1 ppm – (NTU & FTU) –Formazan polymer is standard reference suspension. Turbidity