Different between pedestal and column in construction

 Different between pedestal and column in construction 

Pedestal :- when slenderness ratio less then three is called pedestal. 


Column :-when slenderness ratio gater then three and less then sixty is called column 

K=l/b >3<60

Minimum percentage of steel pedestal:-minimum Reinforcement of pedestal is 0.15%

Minimum percentage of steel column:-Minimum Reinforcement of column is 0.6 % to 6%

Pedestal:- Generally pedestal seen in below plinth level .

Column:- column seen any where like below Ground level and above Ground level 

Pedestal:- length and bread ratio is always less then three 

Column : column are two type short column and long column 

        Short column :- slenderness ratio and length by breath ratio greater then three and less then twelve is called short column 

        Long column :- slenderness ratio and length by breath ratio greater then twelve and less then sixty is called long column 


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